En este mensaje ya empieza a pedirme pasta... ya estaba tardando. Como receptor de múltitud de estafas le sugiero que intente mejorar su conversación. Es muy difícil tragarse los cuentos de la gente que no responde a tus mensajes y que contesta con cartas predefinidas. Yo creo que este negocio de las estafas con tias buenas que quieren venir a verte pero no tienen dinero para el avión o para alguna otra cosa podría dar muy buenos resultados si contara en su equipo de estafadores con algún psicológo y con algún filólogo...
Esto es lo que me envía:
i dear,
Today I had difficult day. I received the visa today, but at reception
of the visa there were some difficulties. When I have come to embassy
the ambassador asked the many questions. He has asked a question on
that who will bear the responsibility about me when I shall be in the
Spain. I informed to him that I can take care of myself itself. He has
told that knowledge of English language it insufficiently to be in
safety. The ambassador informed me that I should have relatives or the
guarantor to fly in the Spain. I informed the ambassador that I have no
relatives living on territory the Spain. I have told to the ambassador
about our correspondence with you, but he has told to me, that we
should be familiar long time that you could take the responsibility
for me and informed that it will not work. The ambassador has found a
way out of this situation and informed me that the guarantor for me
can be the the insurance company which works with embassy.
He has told, that in my situation it is
necessary to insure my travel and then the insurance company will bear
the full responsibility for me in territory the Spain. It was a unique
way to receive the visa and I went in insurance agency. After I have
insured my travel I went in embassy and the ambassador have given visa
to me. Reception of the visa is really difficult process. It takes
many the efforts and money. I had money for purchase of the ticket of
the plane and additional 300 euro for residing at the Spain, but the
insurance document costs 720 euro. I could receive the visa, but now
there are difficulties in that that now I have no enough of money for
purchase of the ticket of the plane. It is a pity to me to inform, but
I cannot arrive to you. I have money but to buy the ticket of the
plane to me it is necessary still approximately 450 euro. To me spoke
that reception of the visa is difficult process, but I really did not
know that it so difficultly. I was before a choice in which it was
difficult to make the decision. Unfortunately I at all had no time to
ask your advice, but I think that I have made a correct choice. I have
made all necessary to fly in the Spain and we could be together, but now
I do not know can be we together or not. I want our meeting very much
but to fly to you to me it is required approximately 450 euro. I have got
used to cope with difficulties independently, but unfortunately it
will be really difficult to cope with this problem independently. To
fly to you to me it is required approximately 450 euro and I want to ask
your help. I want to meet you and to have bright days together, but
without the help I cannot fly in the Spain and we cannot meet. I would
be happy to fly to you, but I want that you have understood that for
me is necessary help. If you can help me, please transfer 450 euro
through Western Union. To me informed that Western Union is unique
system of remittances through which possible to send money from the
Spain to Moscow. There to me informed that Western Union works practically
instantly. It is simple system and if you can help me I can already
receive money in some minutes after you will transfer money
I understand that we know each other some letters to speak about
money, but I hope that you understand my situation. I do not know,
that you think of my letter, but I hope that I have made a correct
choice. This your decision. I hope that my letter will not push away
you and you will not throw me in such situation.
Please write to me as soon as possible,
Love Vera
Menudo mamotreto... con un texto tan largo creo que puede aburrir al más desesperado de sus fans...
Yo le respondo
hi Vera, nevermind. if i can help you i will try to pas the mone.
this weekend i stayed with some frinds climbing in north Cuenca.
Send me your iban an i will make the transfer.
La nena creía que me tenía en el bote.... y me escribe como enviarle el dinero:
My dear!
I am glad that you can help me!
In branch Western Union to me informed the full information necessary for
remittance. To send money you should know:
-receiver's full name: Vera Sokolova
-receiver's country: Russia, Yoshkar-Ola , Mira 12-24
For receive money I should know:
- sender's full name
- sender's address
- MTCN (control number. MTCN will given to you after
I wait your answer my dear!
Love Vera
Pensaba decirle algo, como que no podía en estos momentos, que me había arruinado... pero al final no le contesté... y ella/él tampoco intentó contactar otra vez.
He estado buscando en internet sobre el asunto de estas nenas rusas de
Yoshkar Ola. Supongo que debe haber algún individuo por la zona con una gran empresa dedicada a estafar por internet. El conocido
Sólo necesitan un domicilio para recibir el dinero a través de Western Union...
Buscando más, descubro que estas estafas logran su objetivo algunas veces.
En el blog de
NELLI TCHAGINA se nos cuenta como esta bella rusa ha estafado al que escribe el blog.
Curiosamente en una web sobre turismo en
Yoshkar Ola casi todos los comentarios son de gente que han intentado estafarle desde allí. Me parece que esto tiene fácil solución...
la policia rusa...
También he encontrado una web que se llama
stop-scammers. A diferencia de
stop spammers, esta web te cobra por ojear las fotos de las supuestas scammers... pensando mal ya que estamos con estafas, no me extrañaría que esta gente estuviera compinchada con el verdadero estafador. Según esta web mi Vera Sokolova se llama Natalia Gataullina... supongo que dentro de un tiempo volverán a circular fotos suyas bajo otro nombre...Por cierto si ampliáis la foto se le notan bastate bien los pezoncitos.. algo tenía bueno la chica...
Según dicen ( los de
stop-scammers )les puedes enviar las fotos y ellos las colocan y obligan a los demás a pagar por ver lo que tú les has enviado gratis.... huele muy mal...
La próxima chica scammer rusa sobre la que voy a hablar es
Tatyana Pisareva. Mucho más atractiva que
Vera Sokolova.. a esta si que le haría un favor...
Más info:
Vera sokol 1Vera sokol 2Vera sokol 3Etiquetas: dating, scam, Sex, spammers