Tatyana Pisareva II

Después de su último correo yo le contesté:
hi, you are so beautiful. Im very glad of be your friend. do you have more pics??
Más directo imposible... sólo me interesan las fotos...
y ella me manda estas fotos en las que se las ve algo anoréxica pero como está vestida no le va mal...si me mandara una desnuda no tendría más remedio que remitirla a los servicios médicos de algún hospital cercano...
Tatyana Pisareva me contesta lo siguiente:
Hello my dear (what is your real name?), thank you for your answer!At first I think I have to say that I am new in internet and I have only good intentions. you should know that I am not very good writer in english, please be patient to read my messages and see many mistakes. to be fair I don't know what you want to know about me,in principle I am usual girl.I think I should tell you about me, my interests,tastes and hobbies.I think I will tell you about things I want to know about you and you will know my future questions.I am 25 years old,my birthday is December, 25, 1981. I so much don't want to get older ,when I can see old women I amgetting crazy to think that it is my future .I do all the best to keep my youth and I keep my body well.In spite of all difficultes here I am trying to be in good condition and I do a lot of exercises to be in good shape!I am about 172 cm tall (5.6) and my weight is about 56 kg. I've been told I look well enough ,and I think that all women have own beaty. I have never been married and I don`t have children.I have one youngest sisters and it is great problem for us because we have only two rooms flat.you can't imagine what does it mean to be born in small town in Russia,there are not any chances to live well,to get a good job.All young people leave towns to search great luck in big cities but nobody waits for them there. I want to leave Russia,I know it sounds ugly but I know that I will be lost here like many young girls before me. It is not place to grow children and have stable future.I want to meet my right man .I think in future I can work as fitness trainer I have a certificate. My mother is my great problem too,she has a great dream to see me married and she wants to make me happy but I think it is only my business I am not a little child. She tells me every day that I should get married very soon... To be fair I am not sure I am able to explain all in first message I want to say so much! I just want you to know that I am not afraid to work,I am fairly goal oriented and I am sure you will be not disappoined to meet me in real life.I am going to spend three monthsabroad to work in any good place,agency promises to help me because it is only the way I can leave Russia.I will have all documents to travel in a few days and i will travel to St.-Petersburg then,from St.-Petersburg I will travel to you and they ask me about name of the city i am going to work,if you don't mind to meet me please tell me the name of your city and nearest international airport! I will book my flight from St.-Petersburg!I think it would be so great to meet my love and stay there forever.I know that it is not so easy like I think but I think it is possible that I meat my real love.I want to love and to be loved I want to build our own happiness,only me and my man there. I don't smoke,I tried to smoke when I was younger.I may have a glass of red dry vine,sometimes it helps to relax. I try to take care of my body and face. I know it is all I have.My soul may have any itnterst for you later, I thinkso.I am not a little girl and I know that at first almost all men look at body ,legs and face.God created males such persons. Well,I think I am lost in my letter,I am not sure you understand my goals,please feel free to ask. I live in Russia,town Hor, Dolores street 9, flat 37 ,it is near big city Habarovsk.My town is rather far from St.-Petersburg. I want you to reply if you understand my mind,my intentions,my soul,ifnot please reply too, I will continue my searching. Well, I will close this letter,I think you are tired to read it.and If you think that I should write shorter letters please tell me. I write from internet cafe in Habarovsk because there are not cafes and possibility to use internet in my small town,we have 4 digital phone number and wecan't call abroad.Even to call in any big town here in Russia I have to order the call in advance.and I would like to say please don't worry if I keep silence sometimes I have no time to travel ,it is about 25 minutes by bus from my town till HabarovskPlease tell me more about you,your tastes,likes and dislikes .also I have a few impotant questions do youlike strong drinks too much?can you be very drunk?very ofthen?can you be rude with women?Well,I have to stop or I will write without ending.Kiss you !see you later. In my next e-mail I will write you more things about myself and more details about my trip and work. I will miss you, your Tatyana
Esta nena me pregunta cosas y yo tengo que contestarla:
Hi, My name is Carlos and like you i live in a small town near Madrid, "Miraflores de la sierra" here is very cold in winter
I'm 29 years old and 178 75 kg
I like too much things.. music cinema, sports,.. and i would desire know you a bit little more...
what types of music and films do you like??
what is your favourite pop band??
You are so pretty and i ask you how many boyfriends have you got?
Here is easy to find a good job. You must to learn spanish...
I would like to meet you somewhere.. i travel for all europe.. perhaps in Moscow?? or St.-Petersburg???
Kisses for you Tatyana very cold there???
Estas scammers rusas cuando les pregunto que tiempo hace jamás contestan... igual no viven en Rusia. Desde luego, en todas las fotos que mandan están más bien ligeritas de ropa...
Ya veréis lo que me contesta... ahora no recuerdo si ya se enamora de mi ...
Tatyana Pisareva I
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