Tatyana Pisareva III

Lógicamente esta scammer no me cuena nada sobre sus gustos musicales.. ni nada definido...:
My honey ! it is me,can you believe I am in St.-Petersburg. I can't believe ,it was wonderful flight and they gave red vine in plane, wow,I have never triedsuch tasty one!!!!! I went the bus up to the Subway from the airport .In Subway long went, it was so is delightfulI was in travel agency today, but my documents are not ready yet, it will be ready tomorrow. I will go to travel agency again to get all info about my trip. And of course, when I will get it - I will send it to you!It is such great city and it takes a few hours to travel from one end to other.I rented the flat for few days.People said to me some nice places in St.-Petersburg while he wasSuch a great city it is. I have no words to explain. you can't imagine how great St.-Petersburg is,to be fair I wouldn't like tolive here,a lot of cars,people , voice and pollution.Ugly traffic and people with crazy eyes.When I get off plane in airport St.-Petersburg policeman asked about passport and he looked at me like I am any enemy,I think all people here are a little crazy at terrorism.Life here in St.-Petersburg is expensive. I was going through some shops todayand it is much more expensive than in our town. Food and all the general things. It is the same country but different prices, what a great change.I think people living in St.-Petersburg are very cautious ,I think so. But I think that I have done my choice and to be fair I don't want tolive here,it is not the city of my dreams. you know I am not coward I am not afraid I know it is my chance to meet kind man .I do hope I am right. and I think you are too kind to make any bad things I feel it.Well,I will close this letter ,please write as soon as possible!seeyou soon! KISS . Great kiss from St.-Petersburg!!!!!!!!! Tatyana
Tatyana Pisareva debió pensar que me tenía en el bote y que era un buen partido y me escribe lo siguiente:
Hello my lovelyHow are you today? I miss you very much (((( I think minutes when I can see you, I would like to collect the things right now and to sit and the plane and to fly to you now. To see you and to calm down in your hands.Thank for that that you want to help me. When youYou will send money, send me the full information onand MTCNWhen I close eyes I all time I presentour meeting with you. And you imagine our meeting? I very much love you, my heart is ready to jump out of a breastwhen I think of you. I feel that wanted such husband all the life. I die without you. I never before was not so is in love I will go down with this shipand I won't put my arms up and surrenderthere will be no white flag above my doorI'M IN LOVE AND ALWAYS SHALL BE MY LOVE YOU MY DEAR HUGS AND A SOFT KISS ON YOUR WARM LIPSYour Tatyana
Aquí ya me dice que está enamorada de mi, que su corazón palpita y que mis calientes labios van a....
Despúes me vuelve a escribir ya con un mensje mucho más explicito:
I want you!I want, that you have surrounded me with tenderness, a heat, care. I want to think of tomorrow's day with confidence. I want, that you always be with me. I want to fall asleep and wake up with an idea on you (and it is better in your embraces). I want to be sure that is necessary for you everywhere and always, now and then. I want to look simply in your eyes and to see in them not only the reflection. I want, that your warm breath warmed hands to me. I want to see your smile and to know, that it is intended to me. I want, that every morning me you awakened, instead of an alarm clock. I want to be your sun. I want, that you heated hands in back pockets of my jeans. I want, that you paid off with kisses for rent of pockets. I want to belong to you and to know, that I - yours (and you - mine). I want to trust you and to not doubt. I want to hear your voice. I want, that you missed me and did not find to yourself a place. I want to take hold completely of your soul, ideas, all your essence. I want to be all for you. I want to know, that you know all this. I want, that you loved me. I want to love you.I want to receive faster from you good newsI want to sit faster in the plane and to go to youI want to ..............I love youYour Tatyana
Parece la letra de alguna canción... I want you...
Ya no he sabido más de ella. Supongo que debió olerse que me estaba mofando de él/ella...
Viendo las fotos y sus textos me parece un personaje poco creíble y me cuesta creer que alguien pique en esta estafa.. pero hay gente para todo...
Si queréis más fotos de esta chica sólo tenéis que enviarle un correo a darinka@maileverywhere.info.. seguro que os tomará por el pito del sereno...

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