Vera Sokol me responde

Esta es la respuesta de Vera:
Hello Dear!!!
How are you? I hope, that all good.
It is pleasant for me to receive your answer.
Thanks you. It's very interesting and important for me!!!
Dear, I am pleased if you also want our meeting.
I will be happy to arrive to you!
I was in embassy and the ambassador has informed me that March,9 I will receive my visa of visitor.
After reception of the visa I can fly to Spain.
But we should discuss some things before our meeting. It so???
For example: what dates it is better for our meeting. I can arrive already March, 9-10.
It is good for you? These dates the most comfortable for me.
I have money for purchase of the ticket.
I have holiday from my work. I can stay with you for 2 months.
What you think of it???
I will be happy stay together with you. We will learn each other better.
If you want, that I stay in your house I will be glad to this very much.
It will be more economic for me.
Ok, March, 9 I will receive the visa and can fly to Spain.
Also I should know in what airport I should to fly.
It is the important detail for our meeting. I am right???
Well, I wait your answers to my questions and we may plan our meeting.
Also, I can buy the ticket in 2 ends, but for purchase of the ticket I should know date of return flight.
You inform time how many want that I remained together with you?
Ok, write to me more ideas about our meeting. Ask me all questions which you want.
Also send more than your photos if it probably. Please!!!
I send some photo of me. I wait with impatience of your fast answer.
Yours Vera
Yo le había enviado lo siguiente:
i Vera you are so beautyful and plenty of life.
i would like to meet you somewhere
very cold in moscow??
Here only 25º celsius... It is hot now.
I'm going to take some baths on the beach.
do you come with me????
sure, you are very pretty in bikini
what type of music do you like??
have a good weekend
kisses for you
Obviamente estaba pensando en mejorar mi inglés cuando me puse a escribir estas líneas... Pero Vera no daba la talla. Lógicamente, como buen profesional de la estafa eludía todas las preguntas personales que le hacía. No sé como alguien puede acabar enviando pasta a este tipo de estafadores sin personalidad. Si al menos se adaptarán a tus preguntas y se mojaran un poquito...
Vera me respondió con una foto más. En la que lucía un bonito escote. Creo que es la mejor foto que me ha enviado... me decía:
Hello Lovely!!
I'm very glad to receive your letter. Thanks you.
It's very important for me.
Lovely, yes, we should learn more about each other.
But, I think also that 1000 letters can not replace 1 meeting. I'm right?
I am absolutely fair with you. I do not deceive you, I want to arrive to you as soon as possible.
Believe me, I to not deceive you.
I will buy the ticket of the plane with adjustable date of return flight from Spain to Russia and I can take flight from
Spain to Russia at any time.
I freely can move over territories of Spain and if we will decide to take trip far from city I will be happy to go everywhere
where you will take me.
For me it is interesting to look beautiful places of your country.
Spain and Russia have set of distinctions.
I think that I will be under constant impression as the small child.
I'm sociable woman with easy character and outlook on life.
I love the noisy companies, but also like to be on a nature.
I think that you have many beautiful places there.
After reception of the visa I will buy the ticket of the plane.
When I will have the ticket of the plane I will inform the full information of my flight.
I will inform you number of flight and an arrival time.
What we still should discuss before our meeting?
I think that we will not have problems that learn each other at the airport, but please send to me any photos if you can. I like it very much!!!
I am happy that we will together soon. Inform more ideas for our meeting.
I am excited our meeting very much and I wait with impatience of the moment of our first meeting. Ok, write to me few the information on you.
I think about our meeting constantly.
Yours Vera
Yo ya estaba cansandome de seguirle la corriente así que pensé en apretarle las tuercas a ver si comenzaba ya a pedirme dinero y pedirle de paso más fotos.. eso si, muchos más guarras please...
hi Vera
I would like go with you , walking around Yoshkar-Ola. I like the snow
and winter sports. it seems a very beautiful place.
Here , also is difficult to find a good job .
what job do you like?
you can work with me...
You can travel to spain in the next week. It is holidays here and many
people come to Valencia.
I am 178 cm and you 161 cm ... ummm great...
I am getting hot with that
do you have any pic in bikini or topless??
There is a very near beach to my house surrounded by a forest. You
can go with me and walking under the moonlight.
I am not a good dancer but i am a sport man
I want see you now, i dream about you all day
I think my heart is getting bigger
Please, be good I am yours
kisses Carlos
Le dije que me estaba enamorando.. a ver si la nena delinquía de una vez...
y upongo que me quedé algo corto con lo de las fotos. Sólo le pedí alguna en bikini y tal..
Ya veréis lo que manda mañana....
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