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lunes, febrero 12, 2007

The Irish Lottery - Regalo 15000 libras

Hoy estoy generoso me ha tocado un premio en la lotería irlandesa y como soy buena gente y me gusta compartir mi dicha y mis deseos para todo el mundo os dejo el código de identificación con el que he resultado ganador... si luego resulta que os despluman no es culpa mia... esto del tocomocho no tiene fronteras, hasta los irlandeses saben de que se trata...

The Irish Lottery
P O Box 101011 G Lower Dorset Street,Dublin 1,
Ireland(Customer Services) Ref: UK/9420X2/68
Batch: 074/05/ZY369
Attention: Winner, We are Pleased to Inform You about the result Of Our Online Raffle Draw which Was Held On 09 February,2007. Fifteen thousand(15,000) Email Addresses were Selected from Various Website around the World and was entered for the Draw.
Ten(10) Of these email address was Picked at Random and Your email address which was attached with Reference Number UK/9420X2/68 wasPicked as One Of the ten Winning email Addresses.
This have Qualified You to Claim the total Cash Prize Of Seven Hundred ThousandPounds Sterling(£700,000.00).Your Winning Check Will be Handed Over to You assoon as Our Claims Department Verify Your Winning after You Might have filled thePayment Processing Form that Will be Given to you in due Course.
You are Advised to Contact Our Claims Agent:
Mr Courtney Scott
Email Address :
Telephone Number:+447011128486
Please Quote Your Reference Number as UK/9420X2/68 when You are FilingYour Claims. Congratulations From All Our Members Of Staff.
Yours faithfully,Stella Ellis(Mrs)Online coordinator for THE IRISH LOTTERY Sweepstakes International Program.
