He recibiodo este spam de una tal Heidi Stephenson ( en el que se me dice:
GAMN is has an incredible business model in a booming sector. Look
around you. Everything is being standardized and franchised. GAMN
is a company specializing in the development and expansion of proven
independent restaurant concepts into multi-unit locations. Business has
been booming!
A huge publicity campaign is beginning and will be supported by some
astounding press releases. It is imperative to get in before the first big
announcement. Readers, this is a big one. Don't miss this chance!
Al parecer es una compañía que tiene dos tipos de franquicias de restaurantes. Uno latino La Duni Latin Cafe y el otro mejicano Kokopelli Fresh Mexican Gril.
Viendo sus respectivas webs, no sé como una empresa así puede cotizar en bolsa. Me da por pensar que en los Estados Unidos cualquiera puede cotizar...
Otro foro sobre la bolsa: megabolsa
Etiquetas: Investors
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